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Neijiang Vocational and Technical College Visited SVCIT

作者:英文文章上传者 日期:2017-03-03 浏览次数:17247 

 On the morning of March 2, 12 teachers from Neijiang Vocational and Technical College including Secretary of the Party Committee Ren Xiaoyong, and Vice President Long Yanzhuang visited SVCIT. Secretary of the Party Committee of SVCIT Zhou Yong, Vice President Liu Kai and other heads of relevant departments accompanied them.

 The Party visited academician workstation, innovative and entrepreneurial club and other departments. Then, the meeting was held in Room 0903. Zhou Yong made a welcome speech and introduced the overviewof the college. The two sides also had a deep discussion on college party construction, personnel management, two-level management, objective assessment, financial planning, ideological and political education, specialty construction, logistic service, etc.